The beautiful thing about knitting baby gifts is that it really doesn't matter what size they turn out as long as it is not too small because the kids just keep growing. Fortunately; I rarely knit too small.
Baby gift knitting is also an unfortunate way to build up my back log of projects. In knitting; my least favorite part is putting the pieces together/finishing. The intended baby for this one wasy born probably in April? I have 2 other gifts in progress for babies also already born.
These twin dresses I believe made it close to on time:
These two dresses didn't turn out as crazy large as some of my other baby gifts. Both the sun dress and the twin dresses came from the book "Adorable Knits for tots" by Zoe Mellor. I have made a lot from the book and they have been responsive when I have had pattern problems.
One of my projects I wish hadn't been late was a quilt for my Great Aunt's 90th birthday which was February 2006. I would say I finished it around her 91st birthday which really isn't all that bad and she keeps it in her room with her and on her bed (according to my Grammy).
Quilt was a Timeless Treasures kit: "La Vie En Rose" by Sandi Irish.
SUPER cute pink flower dress! Too sweet!