Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Rescue kitten says goodbye to 2007

Since it is the first day in 2008 it is unfortunate that I don't have any projects to post about yet. Lots of knitting and quilting in progress. I believe my first resolution is to finally finish the pink quilt that breaks all my needles.

Since I don't have any projects I want to talk about; instead I will talk about the pets. :)

Poor younger kitty; even her favorite pellet stove perch isn't sacred anymore...

And she knows better than to mess with elder kitty when it comes to the pillow. If she is very quiet and still; elder kitty will let her stay there...

And of course; the quilting doberman...

We have had an amazing dump of snow out here over the past week. This hiking photo was taken yesterday on the 31st. It is about a 10 minute drive from my house and not all that much higher elevation. Absolutely beautiful day though.