Sunday, April 26, 2009

The tubular/invisible bind off - success

So finally with the help of a write up on a discussion board I worked out the cast-off. I seem to be striking out with the Interweave instructions but this poster did a great job. I can't say I understand exactly what I did. But it looks fine and I didn't drop any stitches.

Taking from poster "Starlings" from a 2005 forum postings on She did a great job and hopefully won't mind me reposting her write-up here for others. I found it surprisingly difficult to find a clear set of instructions especially with a 2x2 rib (I found it more readily for a 1x1):

from starlings:


Now comes the sewn bind-off. The 2x2 rib version may seem a little crazy, but with a bit of practice it will make sense. The basic principle is the same as kitchener stitch: The yarn passes through each stitch twice - the first time in the manner opposite to the stitch itself (purlwise in a knit stitch, for example), and the second time in the manner of the stitch. At that point the stitch is dropped off the needle.

Break yarn and thread it through a blunt needle.

1. Draw the needle through the first knit stitch as if to purl, then bring the needle around the right side of the stitch and to the back of the work. From behind, between the second and third stitches, insert the needle into the third (purl) stitch as if to knit.

2. *Insert the needle into the first stitch again, this time knitwise, and drop the stitch off the knitting needle. Insert the needle into second knit stitch as if to purl.

3. Bring the needle around the back in the same way as before, then, from behind the work, insert the needle into the first purl stitch as if to purl and into the second purl stitch as if to knit.

4. Insert the needle into the second knit stitch (now the first stitch on the needle) as if to knit and drop it. Insert the needle into the next knit stitch (now the third stitch on the needle) as if to purl and drop the first of the two purl stitches off the needle.

5. Bring the needle to the back and insert it into the next purl stitch (third stitch on the needle) as if to knit. Repeat from *


Overall I liked how this sock turned out. I probably could have done it a little smaller if I am going to wear them to allow for a snug fit. The Flat Feet yarn has been fun to work with. It unravels with a kink but you hardly notice it while you are working with it. It also is a soft yarn. Now to finish the other sock...(another reason I reposted starlings written instruction...)

1 comment:

  1. I need to do some toe-up socks so I can try this! It would work for sleeve cuffs, too, wouldn't it?

    You on Ravelry yet?
