Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Rainy Halloween

What a weak blogging month! I couldn't let the last day of October (regardless how crappy the weather) or Halloween go by unacknowledged, so here is a photo from a happier and sunnier day this week:

This has been a weird month. I am counting down my days (approx 39), quizzes (5), mid-terms (0), final (1), left until this quarter and accounting degree is over. But then last week I got thrown an unexpected question about going straight into my Masters and I haven't stopped processing.

Anyway, onto November.

Did you know that there is an Exploding Whale Day in November? You might be surprised I would mention such a thing, but especially if you are from the PW area pretty much everyone knows about the exploding whale incident and resulting flying pieces (even if you weren't alive when it happened). It comes up every so often; generally when a whale carcass washes up or in comparison to another unfortunate explosive idea. Sometimes you will be watching an interview near a large dead sea creature and I think the scientist being interviewed or the reporter just likes to mention the exploding whale incident to just to keep the story alive.

Apparently the engineer behind the memorable event just passed away. Bless him. You know if he hadn't been the one to try, eventually someone else would have.

Have a great day and I will welcome November since I have no other choice. :)


  1. Nim sure looks happy. Who wouldn't with a view like that? I guess the idea of continuing to your Masters is a good thing/bad thing. Just when you think you are just about done it seems like it is going to start again. Good luck finishing up your degree and I'm sure you will make the right decision for you on continuing or not.


    1. Awww thanks Cindy. I think you have more faith in me than I do at this very moment. Just a lot to worry about when one of my top 5 objectives right now is employment...Masters wasn't necessarily one of them. LOL.

      Nim was such a happy boy that day. My attention to him has been so on and off.

  2. Happy Halloween! I'm sorry you're having a rainy one. It's quite warm here again, blah!

    Exploding whale day, that sounds just plain gross and I'm going to check it out!

    Have a great one!!

    1. Have a great Halloween! My night is about to be better since homework is complete!

  3. Well, I don't remember that incident, and so I had to post it on my FB :) I am speechless!

    I am also cold and really tired :) Must be the gray skies.

    1. How could you have not heard of that one?! Ha! Well look at that, my blog was educational.

      This weather is a stinker. At least I had nothing better to do than homework.
