Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year's Eve

Here is is New Year's Eve and I only today picked fabric for the 2014 New Year's Day Mystery Quilt. I had such plans to be further ahead on this one. As of now I will be lucky if I get anything cut tonight.

Unfortunately I forgot to take a photo before taking it apart but guess who got the Downton Abbey fat quarter pack for Christmas!

I am really enjoying the collection and quite a bit of it is already going into the mystery quilt.

While I spread my fabric collection all over the house Nim staged a silent, but physically strategic protest over lack of special time for him. Tomorrow he gets a Rally Obedience Fun Run in Kent before I start sewing so at least he will get something and if I am really lucky it will tax his brain enough that he will be content around the house.

My fabric plans are pretty well set. As usual I have some concern over the selection, but my scrappy mystery quilts have always come out OK so I try not to worry too much.

Stay tuned for tomorrow in which I discuss the many 2013 goals I didn't accomplish. :) And of course regular sewing updates.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas Eve

This is a cat pillow that my sister knitted for my cats for Christmas:

This is Nim on the cat pillow:

This is also Nim on the cat pillow:

Stay tuned for cats actually using the cat pillow. Have a Merry Christmas Eve. Nim is. :)

Friday, December 20, 2013

Nim and Santa

Glowing eyes aside, this is definitely all Nim.

I had to take a photo of the photo so there wasn't much I could do. Enjoy. :) Nim had fun and it was a good Santa.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

One Shoe and Earth Pet Christmas Bandanna

Nim is sporting the latest Earth Pet Christmas Bandanna.

I suppose it somewhat clashes with his jacket, but consider we did a walk today with only one shoe on fashion is far from our goal. 

I normally try and keep booties on both back feet to keep him walking "even" but there is just so many times I am going to stop and put them both back on.

I have Musher's Secret on order for his pad.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Leela's Winter, Tiny Hairdryer, Doberman Specialty at Argus

Last Monday I reluctantly went out and bought myself the cheapest (and apparently tiniest) hairdryer I could find. Sometimes I think we assume store clerks are judging us when they might not be. For example when you buy tampons and junk food. Or a trashy book and junk food. Or maybe just the junk food.

I do think however this clerk was judging my hair when I bought the hair dryer (totally got the look-down although in fairness I was pretty frazzled and probably the entire package wasn't looking too stellar...not just the hair). Little did she know this will probably never be used on my hair.

Anyway, I know nothing about pipes, I never want to know about pipes, and needless to say those were not the frozen ones in the picture below. The frozen ones were actually on the other side of the house. Thankfully I got help from someone that actually does know these things and I didn't even have to call out a plumber.

We ran the hairdryer for 4 hours steady, nothing caught on fire, and the pipes thawed.

Leela is having such a winter! This is probably the first season I am seeing signs of aging in her both in behavior and body. She is back to sleeping on my head at night which she hasn't done since Odin died (trust me, there is nothing cute about it) and in the morning she is pretty much pacing the house until Nim has eaten and is back in bed so she can be with him.

She almost seems out of sorts when I have been gone all day. Specifically if I have been gone all day with her puppy.

What amazes me is that he snuggles with her with no kicking, biting, or body rolling...all items he does in happiness when he wants to snuggle with me.

What got me really watching Leela this morning was how she acted when we got home last night. Yesterday Nim and I were gone all day long at the Doberman Specialty at Argus Ranch. Since we don't compete in Agility we were there for 2 reasons: 1. to support Nim's breeder running other dogs, and 2. to get Nim's photo done with Santa.

Photo gets mailed to me on Monday. :)

Have a good week!

Sunday, December 8, 2013


Good frozen morning! My friends and I are comparing notes on who's pipes are frozen and equally important: how our birds are holding out.

I had far less Wrens last night which made me worry. The ones I did have really let me have it I went out the front door (where they are all roosting naturally) at 4am to deal with the well house in hopes of getting my water going again.

The hummingbirds are really bossy right now and territorial about the feeders (can you see the floating ice?). I am feeling a touch inferior right now because this morning I looked at a local news site's submitted photos of some elaborate hummingbird shelter set-ups.

It is amazing my birds put up with me at all.

Since I have water in a detached out building this morning I know the well pump isn't frozen, but getting water to my main house is going to take an act of nature at this point. We are all eagerly waiting.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Events of the Day Leading up to my Final Exam

For this area, we are in a brutal cold snap. The timing couldn't be more terrible. I have had very little outlet for end of quarter madness. It is simply unpleasant to be outside.

I am using space heaters with my pellet stove to keep the house warm. Everything is encased in ice.

I started off the morning defrosting my hummingbird feeders. Yes, that is Emile photobombing. And yes, I know I should bring them in at night. If only someone would do it for me.

I am tried out hand warmers on the base of the feeders today (since it is so cold they will just refreeze outside). I saw it online. I am not sure that they are impressed with this.

My Wrens come every night and collect around the front door. They have a small nest up there and I have been able to count up to 5 of them coming out. I feel so bad for them and want to get them another little house, but hopefully there is enough room for everyone and they are keeping warm.

I have been taking notes for the past few days leading up to today's final. Emile has been eating them. He is so shameless he will sometimes try it when I am right there.

My study breaks are all about Panda Cam. I am surprised anyone gets any work done right now with these guys. Now that the twins are living together and they are mobile it is almost non-stop entertainment (the other twin is in the bushes by the way...causing mischief).

While I studied the cats traded off pellet stove snuggling.

Nim has done his best today to remind me just how terribly bored and under-exercised he is. He likes to lay it on thick that his pad injury is my fault.

He got a bully stick for exam time.

The final exam was three hours long and I am proud to say I am done. I am done with the final, done with the quarter, and done with this accounting certificate!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

First Snow of the Season - Cedar Butte

Our first real snow started about 1am this morning. I am actually surprised it is sticking around, but it is pretty cold and I think will be for the rest of the week.

We ended up going up Cedar Butte which was a lucky trip for Nim because I am pretty much glued to my computer right now. About 1/2 way up the trail he started leaving blood spots. That darn pad! Didn't slow him down in the least, but I am sure we will pay for it later.

If you can see his eyes in the photo above you can tell I am yelling at him to stop biting the snow so I can take a picture!

Despite this being his third snow season he still initially acted like it was something new and suspect. I don't know if I have forgotten this part when Odin was young or if this is just Nim's personality.

He is still happy enough in his hike.

We got to the top, he sampled snow and refused to sit still for a nice photo.

So you get snowy trees instead. Enjoy. :)

Monday, December 2, 2013

Rescue Chocolate and Old Dog Haven

Hello December! My Advent Calendar this year has a part of "The Night Before Christmas" when you open each window.

This is going to be a crazy week for me...sliding into the end of the quarter. But I wanted to do a quick post about Rescue Chocolate (I have mentioned them before a couple of years ago because I used them in a recipe).

For the month of December, Old Dog Haven is the beneficiary of 100% proceeds of purchases. I personally prefer the Peanut Butter Pit Bull.

Do you think Leela is annoyed that Nim is using her butt as a pillow or just that I took a photo of it?