Saturday, March 22, 2014

TTouch Seminar

Today was our first day of the Lori Stevens TTouch Seminar. We got off to a rocky start. Nim was really in a mood this morning and it wasn't until I got part way to the class in Seattle that I noticed his face was covered in hives (photo is post-Benedryl).

You would think I would have Benedryl packed everywhere for this pup at this point. I have never had a dog hive up like he does and I often don't even know why. So we made an emergency stop for Benedryl and a new toy.

I knew it wasn't a great sign that he wouldn't even play with his new toy on the drive in, but by the time we got to K9 Fun Zone in Seattle the Benedryl was starting to kick in so I got us set up for our day long class.

The material has been really interesting and it has been nice to have more ideas on interacting with Nim especially given his love affair with massages already. We ended the day just starting with the body wraps and will do more tomorrow.

Much of the day was lecture. So I sat on the floor and let Nim pretty much do whatever he wanted. As long as he was behaved I really didn't want him in the kennel much considering he has had a very low activity week.

Between the 3 Benedryl and his long work week Nim just laid in my lap with his dragon wing in his mouth alternating between sleeping and people watching. He seemed very content during the workshop and really enjoyed having another woman in the class try "Noah's March" and some ear work on him. The Noah's March seems to be a pattern of strokes down the body...for lack of a better way to explain it.

I really liked the tail work ideas. I think because he is docked I just don't think about working the tail much but I started doing a bit of what I learned in class and I think it is going to be very good for him. Tomorrow will include a section on leash walking which is an area that continually needs improvement for us so I am hoping for some good ideas to try out.


  1. Glad to hear you had a good time in class despite the hive scare. The Benedryl probably helped calm him down a bit.

    I just heard about the mud slides in Washington state and hope it isn't near any of your loved ones. I Googled it right away to make sure it wasn't near you. That has to be super scary to be near.

    Have a good second day of class.


    1. I know. :) I kept telling people that he had had a lot of Benedryl. I do think some of it is neediness from the work week though too.

      That slide has been awful. It is a hour or so north of me. I appreciate you checking in. I feel really bad for the people who have clearly lost everything in it.

      We will have a good second day I am sure! Sam

  2. Poor Nim. I just want to give that little guy a big ole kiss on his nose and make him feel better. Sounds like the class is going well.

    I too thought about you when I saw the mud slides this morning. Very scary.

    1. Thanks. He has had a rough few days! I am seeing signs of a good day today...he ate.

  3. I am very interested in the body wraps. I've only read about them and would like to see it done.

    Honestly..............a "wing"?! Let me put that dragon back together, please!!! :D

  4. Was also worried about mudslides so I'm glad you're ok! And poor Nim and the hives, hope he's feeling better.

    1. Thanks. The mudslide situation has been really terrible.
