Sunday, June 22, 2014

Nim and Artoo Go Swimming

On Saturday Nim and his little friend Artoo went swimming at Aqua Dog Spa. This is one of my favorite photos. That is my friend Joan with Artoo in the water and Nim at her side. I think he is looking out in the water at Cindy. :)

Artoo went first which was big fun for Nim. Nim just ran laps around the pool, begged for attention from Joan, and caused some general mischief.

Like stealing Artoo's toy:

This is only Artoo's second time in the water but he was very zen about it.

Nim would have been fine staying poolside.

Then it was Nim's turn to swim and Artoo got to watch and harass. :)

Nim likes to make his own whitecaps. We also noticed Nim was basically silent! This never happens. Perhaps he didn't want to make a fool of himself with his little friend around.

Nim got an extra long water massage and I think it did his body good. He seemed exceptionally playful at training today.

Although perhaps that is also because he got a new, super long snake.

And he and Pixel got to play together. :)


  1. Nim looks like he is trying to empty the pool with his enthusiasm. What a devil he is stealing the toy at the end of the retrieve. I loved the videos. I think I want to get one of those pools and put an addition on our house. It would be so fun to play with the dogs like that.

    Thanks for the videos.


    1. I know. I always can tell when the pool is really full because we dump a fair amount out. I actually am happy to have the videos too. I don't know that I have ever done a video of him swimming. Your dogs may actually like it and get in there willingly. :) Sam

  2. What fun pictures and video and the toy-grab was hilarious! Makes me want a pool and a couple of dogs to play with in it. What a fun thing to do!

    1. It is really fun to be in a warm pool with a couple of dogs. :)

  3. I love Nim's personality!! That video was too cute! Sorry I've been MIA lately.... I've been reading... just on my phone. I'm still here girl!

    1. Hi Brittany! Thanks for checking in. I know you are busy with your super cute boy. It is OK. But really nice to hear from you too. :) Sam

  4. I just love the videos! Artoo is so calm in the watch, and Nim is like the one doing the cannonball. So cute!
