Friday, July 25, 2014

Hooray for Friday and the Wounded Warrior Pull-Up Challenge

First things first...for two days we went from unpleasantly warm (even for me) to fall weather. It was cold and it rained. Everyone retreated to bed.

Good thing they rested up, because the sun is out again.

On King5 they featured a man who is planning to perform a Pull-Up Challenge to benefit the Wounded Warrior Project (one of my favorite organizations and it isn't even animal related). You might want to read the King5 article, just because he talks about the pain of the challenge but in the end he will get to recover from it, while many of the wounded vets never well.

When I am overwhelmed, (physically or otherwise), I often think of an amazing woman I knew who died from a climbing accident three years ago this coming Wednesday. Her death had a huge impact on me that I always carry with me. The way Mike McCastle phrased his experience of pain and recovery versus a wounded vet definitely resonated in a the same way although it may not seem that way to you. Point being, some discomforts are permanent and some are temporary. Sometimes you have control of this, and sometimes you don't.

Lucky you readers, I happened to be in a blogging mood while also in a sentimental mind.

On to quilting!

I pinned a quilt. I pinned a quilt that I actually forgot I had the top for until I had to clean up my sewing mess to make room for that huge Mystery Quilt. 

The cats are so darn happy. It doesn't matter how many blocks I put up, the find a way to sit on it or den up in it while it is on the sewing machine.

With any luck I will finish quilting this weekend...or maybe the next weekend. :)

By the way, thanks to Crabby I was initially going to write about the auctioning off of prehistoric poo for 8 - 10K and my reflections on whether or not someone would spend that much on me instead (not counting my parents of course, we all know kids are expensive), but then I started cooking, and then I read the King5 article and my blogging plans changed.

Have a great weekend! Nim and I are going to attempt a Rally Obedience trial again this weekend. Naturally I am so nervous at this point that I have been asking myself why oh why did I think this was a good idea? But if I can leave Sunday at least proud that we tried I would say that is good enough. We don't have an exceptionally good track record when it comes to obedience trials so I consider survival a decent goal.

This is what I wrote to a friend of mine: "My goal is to get through it without crying or giving up." She told me crying was acceptable, but not giving up (she is considerably more competitive than I am and probably never gives up on anything, but I will keep this advice in mind). :)


  1. Just want to say that if I were rich enough to have the choice, I would indeed spend $10,000 on you before I would buy a piece of prehistoric poop!

    But, um, don't hold your breath on that one... :)

    And thanks for the link!

    1. Awww thanks! Every once in awhile, someone's buying choices definitely gives one pause. :)

  2. I too love the Wounded Warrior Project and other veteran support charities. Your comments about pain are so true. I know there are people feeling much worse than me. My frustration comes from not being able to find the right doctor to fix my problem that I know there should be a solution to.

    Good luck at the Rally trial. I wish I could be there to cheer you on so I'm sending virtual cheers instead. Love the quilt too and can't wait to see pictures of the cats making it difficult for you to quilt ;-)


    1. Thanks Cindy! I think you would be really encouraging. I have decided that my refined goal is to keep his focus. Sometimes I get too hung up on the sign and really I just need to work on our teamwork in the competition environment.

      Well, worse is relative with what you have going on. You have every right to be frustrated and scared. Anything that limits mobility is a really big deal.


  3. The quilt is coming along very nice. I'm sure a lot of lucky people receive your quilts with a little kitty fur on them. :)

    Best of luck at the trial this weekend! And you most certainly should leave proud!!

  4. Oops, just realized this weekend was last weekend! lol
