Monday, December 21, 2015

Winter Solstice

I do love the Winter Solstice. In theory it is all uphill from here as the days start to get longer again. :)

Today we got snow. This is actually my second snow already of this winter, but the first really sticking snow.

As you can see, we literally got no sun today. Nim was actually happy when the downpour turned to snow and more willing to be outside.

Last week Jack and Nim hit the trail together. Jack's human is starting a great new job and had a rare weekday off before the job started so we got the boys out for hiking together.

It was truly a beautiful day on Cedar Butte.

Rattlesnake Lake is still low...but bigger than the puddle it was the month prior.

Settle in for the longest night...


  1. Millie & Walter are jealous of your snow. We are way behind schedule this winter. Today is just rain and higher than normal temps.

    I love the pictures of the boys sitting together. I have a very soft spot for GSD's as they were our first 3 dogs. Would love to have another but Charlie worries about the health issues that many have.

    1. We are totally getting smacked! I hear the east coast is meanwhile balmy. :)

      Isn't Jack just gorgeous? He is a very fun dog and Nim and Jack have pretty much grown up together. I hear Charlie on the health issues, I swear it is most breeds. I always thought Millie has to have at least some GSD in her. She has a lot of the look and mannerisms.
