Friday, September 26, 2014

Study Weekend & Study Motivation List

Well this is what Nim's Friday morning looked like. He took his time getting up. I think he wonders sometimes what I think I am doing so early in the morning...especially when it is dark outside.

When Nim finally did get up he had breakfast with Emile. Most mornings I try to move Emile, but sometimes I just give up. I swear Nim moves to the side to give Emile a spot.

Today I wanted to buy a new puzzle and ended up putting it back. I will add puzzle to the motivation list. That list is growing. This my motivation list to study hard and pass all these exams (preferably on the first try):

  • Road trip/camping/vacation
  • More hiking
  • Regaining a personal life
  • Less isolation (let me tell you, it was a surprising day as an introvert when I realized my study schedule was really isolating me)
  • More sewing
  • Take a new enjoyment class (writing, quilting, knitting, something entirely new????)
  • Increased dog training time
  • Hours to put into a 1000+ puzzle
  • Satisfaction of studying right the first time
  • Save money by not retaking exams

Have a great weekend! I got my new laptop today so no more excuses for me. :)


  1. Aw a dogs life. I know your studying for an important reason but do make time to take care of you:) It does no good to be totally burnt out an miserable. I hope you make some time for yourself over this weekend squeeze in a walk with your dog, give yourself a break from studying believe that you will get it done and pass the first time.
    I am a new reader to your blog, first time commenter. I too love to take walks, I am a newish knitter self taught will be a year in December currently working on my first sweater. I enjoy your blog keep up the great work now that you have new computer.

    1. Hi Susan and welcome! Great to "meet" a new reader. :) I am trying to set little mini-goals along the way, but it is hard. I am definitely someone that can put in hours at a time and suddenly it is night. I hope to walk the dog and he will get a little training on Sunday.

      That is awesome you are working on a sweater! I have one that is going on about 2 years. I think I could actually wear it too if I could ever finish it.

      I also need to get a quilt off the machine. One goal I do have is I would like to entire lose New Year's Day for the New Year's Day Mystery quilt. I have done them the past few years and I think I would be sad to miss it this year.


  2. I'm with Nim on waking up before the sun is up. Just cover your eyes and stay asleep (although Walter and Charlie will never let me). I'm curious as to how you keep a puzzle going with the cats around? Don't they enjoy whapping pieces to the floor?


    1. Oh they used to be awful. Kind of like when I lay out quilts actually. So a growl from some corner and then a gallop and pounce. I am often missing a couple of pieces at the end. I actually cover it in a puzzle board when I am not working, but yes, there is a lot of disasters around puzzles. :) Sam

  3. Love your motivation list. I've been thinking about a puzzle lately but am hesitant because of the two new "get into everything" cats we have now. I could see missing pieces before I buy it. Hope you have a wonderful rest of the weekend!!
