Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year's Day!

We all could select any day of our lives to decide to start over or change a habit, but there is something about the start of a new year that makes you feel like you have a little more of an edge for your future to improve or for opportunities to open up.

I just found out yesterday that apparently black-eyed peas and greens are important for good luck going into the new year! Had I known this I may have rethought my black bean direction. So I quickly found a good luck vegan meal: "A (vegan) Recipe of Good Luck" and went the canned beans route. Sadly I am just not one of those people that luck seems to follow, but I am not taking any chances! Hopefully starting out 2012 with this great meal will bring some much appreciated luck, prosperity, and abundance my way. On the positive side I am really building up some leftovers for the coming weeks.

I did leave out the fake pork/bacon however. I am not a huge fan.

Notice the sun! Of course I have a day of sewing ahead of me and what happens? We get SUN! I got through my commitments this morning, rushed home, cooked my lucky meal and now I am about to settle in to the Mystery Quilt! I will not look ahead until I have completed each step in the order released.

Updates to come...