Even the cats were chasing each other more this morning. If only Nim and the cats could do homework, housework, and work-work...they might all be tired too.
Seattle Purebred Dog Rescue was featured on New Day Northwest. This organization does a lot of good and means a lot to me personally. I met Rusty through them and Toshia Maund (the rep on this show) was my first main contact in the world of dobermans. I get their regular updates for doberman needs and many of the stories are amazing. I still remember when Rusty started appearing on the list and my first transfer of him from Burien to Spokane - followed by his transfer back to me in his depends and belly band. :)
(Rusty's ride back to me is a funny adventure in itself. Because of his lack of potty training, the foster family put him in depends and a belly band and and a kennel and arranged a ride for him with a very nice, but non-dog lady. We decided the best thing was that he not come out for the duration of car ride. She was a singer coming back to Seattle to perform and I am pretty sure she sang most of the drive over...which kept him fairly silent. I met her at the outlet mall and lifted the entire kennel out of her car with Rusty in it and that was that. Rusty came home.)
Toshia made a lot of introductions for me and helped lead me to reputable breeders which very importantly lead me to Odin. Toshia Maund does so much for Seattle Purebred and for the doberman breed in general. It is a fun little piece if you are able to view it...enjoy!
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