Monday, February 11, 2013

More Fog

This morning is more foggy sky. They are saying we might see sun this weekend, although they said that two weekends ago and it definitely didn't happen.

I woke up yesterday feeling a bit better which means I went into frantic germ busting and cleaning mode which included cleaning Nim.

You can tell he was thrilled. What was funny is that they other two tubs were taken by huge mastiffs. The male next to Nim was exceptionally large - like stick his head out of the tub and practically touch Nim large. When the female got out of her tub she wanted to check Nim out which was zero effort since from the floor she could pretty much reach his rear.

I love watching handlers with mastiffs. It is like watching the great Dane people...they tell their dog one thing and the dog saunters off on Hawaii time and does something else. And since it takes them about 2 steps to get to their intended goal I think that this works well for them.

Nim and the cats have a new game going involving the cat toys. It involves Nim collecting them up tight to his person, and the cats rushing in and stealing them.

Whatever works.

Lent is coming this week which I am very much looking forward too. I don't know why I enjoy the Lent and Easter season so much, but I do. Don't forget that tomorrow is Fat Tuesday! This also can be Pancake Day or feasting day. I might make Oreos today in preparation (although that would kick off my feasting today).

You will be pleased to know I am not giving up peanut butter, chocolate, or really any food item again (we all know how well that went last year). I do promise to highlight a charities since I really enjoy doing that.

I always enjoy reading the other blogs on what Lent means to them. Gives me some good ideas.

Enjoy your week and enjoy Fat Tuesday!


  1. I hate that you have been sick!!! Praying that you are 100% soon. I have never given anything up for Lent.... maybe I should unplug for lent???

  2. Glad to read that you're feeling better!

    That must have been a sight to see with those two Mastiffs. I don't really see them. I do love Great Danes, now that you mentioned them. That was my original dog of choice before I fell in love with the Dobermans.

    Sorry, I won't have anything to say on Lent. I'm in no way, shape or form into any religion. I'm Presbyterian, but haven't been to church for anything other than weddings or funerals, well in over 25 years. I'm glad you're not giving up chocolate though :)

    1. The huge dogs are just such a sight. I used to think I wanted them myself, but not anytime soon. Short lives, lots of healthy problems, and you better have a good house with income for all the food. :) giving up chocolate here. :)
