Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Tuesday Night Sweetness

Everyone is in bed early tonight...

I am hyper-productive this week because I have so much to do. Today was much quieter than yesterday weather-wise so we did get out for a very quick walk and a much needed computer break.

That is about as close as Nim gets to the edge of the bridge. Which I find fascinating considering he has never once looked over to see what is below (and how far below).

Have a great evening.


  1. What a sweet sleeping kitty picture. Nim sure is a quirky boy.


    1. Ha! Quirky is putting it nicely. :) I know, Leela was so cute with him last night, I couldn't pass that one up.

  2. How sweet are they! Sleeping pets are the best!

    I hope Nim's limping has gone away. I sure don't blame him either for not going near the edge. It's a good thing I don't walk him because he probably wouldn't even cross the bridge. That's a scary looking picture you shot down.

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!

    1. He is actually looking great! He is pretty much back up to his activity level and no limp!

  3. I never really get tired of looking at cute, sleepy animals...they're so sweet.

    1. I hear you. :) Notice all my photos of them...she was really cute though. For about 2 days she was exceptionally attached to Nim. Not sure what was going on there.

  4. I hope you are getting lots accomplished! I need to get super productive, but I can't make myself! I want to come cuddle with your kitty after seeing that picture!

    1. I want to cuddle with her too! But she only shares her love with Nim. Sigh.

      This was a productive weekend for sure!
