Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013 Goals

Hello 2013!

For the first time ever I am going to try stating some new year goals. Generally I am not a big fan...I think it is the fear of failure part. But I am going to focus more on stuff that I think would enhance my life without making me feel terrible if they don't happen. So much in my life hasn't gone remotely as I envisioned, but I have still lived so much wonderful stuff.

1. Teach Nim at least one "trick" per month. These "tricks" will be towards rally-free and rally-obedience goals. I think this will be really good for me as a handler to start breaking down behaviors I am struggling with and figure out how he best learns.

2. Rally-obedience Novice title. We have one leg so far and received a lower score than his in-class performance. Time to work on nerves in the ring.

3. Road-trip again - most likely September again.

4. Once a month try and hike/walk somewhere that is not my usual places. Even better if it is somewhere completely new.

5. Finish 2 quilts.

6. Finish 2 knitting projects (I think I have been working on the same sock for 2 years).

7. Enter at least one quilt show...online or otherwise, but what I really want to do is the Duvall quilt show. It is one of my local favorites.

8. Complete this latest stage of schooling - this one is a biggie. Credit-wise I could be done by Fall 2013 at the latest, but a lot depends on my unemployment situation.

9. Do something meaningful for me when I turn 40 in February. We will see what February looks like. I am not a party person, so meaningful might be nothing at all and that would still be OK.

10. Migrate this blog to WordPress. I have been thinking about this for months but still hesitate to even make it a goal...maybe the goal is to continue to weight the options. :) There is some functionality in WordPress that I would like to have.

I think it will be fun to check in on these goals during the year. Especially since some are monthly related.

I am purposely not setting goals around some of the daunting long-term stuff. I know in my heart some of the things I still want in my life and the path to get there isn't necessarily clear to me or entirely in my control. For now that has to be OK.

Stay tuned...there should be a lot of Mystery Quilt updating going on...


  1. Those are all great goals! And I'm really liking #3. I want to do a cross country road trip, but I know that won't happen until I either hit the lottery or I'm retired. I'd like it to be like at least a month long trip.

    You totally deserve #9. You should set your eyes on something you'd like to buy, or pamper yourself at a spa or something. I've never been to a spa and personally don't like strangers touching my body, but I've been thinking about getting a manicure lately. Only had one done in my life, for my wedding. Treat yourself special!

    Loving all the pics, of course!

    1. Good morning!

      I am glad you liked my goals. I really really love road trip stuff. I am hoping I can make it happen again this year. And yes, you want at least a month to get cross country. I moved a sister from WA to Virginia and I think between snow and illness it ended up almost 3 weeks. That was with multiple drivers and it was WAY too rushed. You just don't get to enjoy anything. There is much I still want to see.

      Thank you so much for #9. I think I will be refining that one as I get closer. I hear you on the stranger stuff. I did finally one day get a massage. I was around 35. I had gone through a break-up of a 10 year relationship and I was in bad shape. It turned out to be a good thing, but it took awhile for me to finally try it out. You really should some day.

      The photos were from a desperate walk yesterday, but beautiful area. I need to break-up my time a bit better today.

  2. Those sound like good goals. I'm not a goal setter, but probably should. Good luck with them. Oh yeah I can't believe you are going to be 40. You sure don't look it.


    1. Oh thanks Cindy! That is really nice. Truth be told I am a little stunned to be turning 40 myself. :)

      I am needing a bit more structure right now during this unemployment/uncertainty phase so the goals I think will be fun for me. I don't like resolutions or giving stuff up however...
