Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Mystery Quilt 2013 - Sewing Step Two, Half Square Triangles

It was so beautiful outside today it was hard to come back in! I even opened a house window for just a bit, but it got cold fast.

Nim enjoyed his Christmas toy while I did some yard work. He has been wary of the thing ever since I put it around his neck and then laughed.

Emile finally came out of his hiding place to watch out the window.

So I love doing Half Square Triangle units. Always have. They are very satisfying and fast to me.

Now I have a bunch of units complete and the next step is more cutting.

I got caught up a bit on the message boards to see how people are doing and now know that there has been some confusion around this next cutting step (I think, or it is the sewing step right after that). There have been some beautiful results out there however.


  1. Nim, I really had no idea it was a "wearable" toy...........really!

  2. I think Emile was hiding because you keep saying he stole your fabric. LOL! Can't wait to see how the quilt comes out.


    1. Ha! The funny thing is I know which pieces he took because they were under his chair. Meanwhile I have a missing 3x3 square that I highly suspect Leela.

      I am having fun, but this has been craziness with two cats.

  3. Aww, Nim looks so cute in his jacket/sweater. Oakley got a jacket (which he loves) and booties to protect his paws from the salt on the icy roads (which he hates) for Christmas! Happy New Year to you all!

    1. Happy New Year to you too Tanya! I know you are really busy with your PhD stuff.

      Nim does great in his jacket. Fortunately I haven't had to deal with bootie on him yet. I remember when I drove across country however noticing that some states still use salt and I can imagine that would be hard on the dogs. I don't know what our deicer out here is made from (and I doubt it is great for the environment either) but it seems to be less of an irritant.

  4. It sure does look beautiful out, at least that day it did :)

    I love Nim's coat. And I can't tell if Emile looks content or annoyed sitting in the window. He looks comfy though.

    Looks like you're coming along on the quilt!
