Monday, March 4, 2013

Juniper Moon Yarn and Central Park Hoodie

Good morning!

I am highly motivated today because I believe I have one more assignment for this quarter and then all I have to worry about is the last exam. I would love to finish the entire assignment today...we will see.

I did get to start Downton Abbey season 2 this weekend and got some more knitting done. I actually have three projects (that I can remember) in progress right now, but the star project of the moment is the Central Park Hoodie. If I can block out enough time my guess is this will go fast, it is a pretty easy pattern.

(Right now working on the back)

The yarn is Juniper Moon Farm's Sabine and was a "big purchase" for me. In fact, after at least 2 solid years (maybe longer) of not buying any extra fabric (short of backing) or any extra yarn I have completely fallen off the wagon this year! I didn't even post about my second trip to Gossypium Quilt Shop which resulted in more fabric buying.

I have wanted to work with Juniper Moon Farm yarn since I read about the company when they were giving a presentation last year. I had to miss the presentation, but the company completely caught my attention. I hope you spend some time on her site. The color I am using is Berry Farm and considering I normally stick to browns, deep blues, and blacks, it is a color risk for me.

Unlike the cats, Nim is a very peaceful knitting partner. He was completely pooped last night after a long day of training, walking, and bathing.

I have a feeling there is not enough hours in the day today for all I want to do:

  • I have two baking projects on my mind
  • Homework
  • A conference call
  • And I am considering pruning my fruit trees

Not sure if you will see photos of the pruning project. I really want to do a veggie garden this year so my brain is on edible growing. I ended up sitting in on a talk on Saturday on fruit trees. Let's just say I don't think anyone in that audience has trees that are so out of control that they can support the weight of two the same time, but I still got a bit of information out of the talk.

I BADLY wanted to buy this 4 way hybrid. I think it was plums, peaches, nectarines, and another similar fruit. After my bears-in-the-tree situation a couple of years ago I have been reluctant to add more fruit trees. It is kind of like leaving your garbage can out when you live in bear areas...not particularly responsible. So I will start with the trees on the property...and see if I can not kill them.

I once had a blueberry bush as well. It is in an area of flooding and heavy tree damage from last year's ice storm. I will have to see if it survived. 


  1. Wow, lots of cool stuff going on and I can so relate: "not enough hours in the day today for all I want to do!"

    Can't we just order more of them somehow? Sure seems like someone could make a lot of money if they figured that one out!


    1. I know! I think you are even more busy than me right now too. :)

  2. I could see why you wouldn't want to plant any trees because of the bears eating them up. I also enjoy killing mine, not really on purpose though.
