Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Asparagus Fern and Walk Around Beaver Lake

Yesterday on my way to work I stopped at the store and saw this pretty little guy. I thought it might be a nice addition to my desk. It is an Asparagus Fern. We will see how it holds out in the office.

Yesterday was a nuts day. It was one thing after another. Work ran late so that it didn't make sense for me to go home and then leave again go for obedience. Instead I dealt with my desperate need for new tires and took Nim for a walk around Beaver Lake before class at 8pm.

Yesterday was another hot one, but today is more of a fall-like start to the day...well...what I wish fall-like would be in that it isn't super cold or raining. :)


  1. Nim sure looks happy to be on his walk.

    1. He really does. He was so happy to be out of work and have my full attention. :) It is a pretty little park too.

  2. What a great little plant! Hope it survives your office.
    All your walks are beautiful!
