Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday and Some Hiking Photos!

Finally yesterday I got off work at a good time to hike and more importantly it wasn't 80+ at 4pm so we could hike without collapsing.

The days are shortening and between work, studying, and the heat, we aren't getting out enough.

It makes me happy to even have some hiking photos to post. It feels too long. As you can tell by his tongue it was still pretty hot.

This has been my worst summer in years for hiking and as much as I want to get away in the fall, that just may not happen this year. But I hope to make up for it next season.

I think when you have a big dog like mine you are also aware that their long distance, heavy hiking life will be short so I want to do as much of it as we can.

Hiking makes us both happier. This photo below is my favorite one (I am not loving hiking photos on the phone). What you can't see is that I am sitting on the ground in front of him. It was nice to just doing nothing but sit and be there with Nim. It was very quiet except for all the nature sounds too.

It was an evening we both needed.

Eventually I got my rear up and we made it home. I scavenged my garden and had one ready lemon cucumber which I love. Thankfully I don't have to feed a family on this garden because it isn't even enough for one adult, but I do get such a thrill out of the little successes I have.

Enjoy the 3-day weekend! I will be studying like a mad woman but I have little breaks planned.

We have our first Beginner Novice obedience competition on Sunday and I will be meeting up with a friend who has 5 surprise kittens from a rescue stray so be prepared for an avalanche of cuteness coming later.


  1. Woo Hoo! Glad you were able to get out for a nice hike. I'd have to say my favorite picture from this post is the last one with Nim and your shadow and the nice scenery in the background. I wish we had half the views you do.

    Good luck at the trial and I can't wait to squee over the kitten pictures.


    1. I do like the shadow one too. At first I was annoyed because what I really wanted was the mountain in the background, but that is the way it goes. The views do help me. I probably would have just sat there for hours if I could have.

      Thank you! We are going into this trial not remotely ready. We have done all pieces successfully at some point, but not all of them together in one run.

      Kitten photos should be exciting. :)

  2. The kittens are anxiously awaiting your visit so they can do their funny baby kitten hisses at you! :)

    1. Ha! It is so hard to take a tiny kitten seriously when they do that! I can't wait. :)

    2. Hoping you can get their baby pictures done! So far my only photos are of one big kitten blob.

  3. Such beautiful pictures. I'm sorry you have to study all weekend. But it sounds like a nice break with some kittens. Hope you enjoy your weekend, some!
