Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Worldwide Vegan Bake Sale Update

I am officially participating in Sidecar for Pigs Peace bake sale benefiting the Pigs Peace Sanctuary (visit their site to read their latest rescue story - it is amazing).

I think you can tell I am really excited about this. I got a response back early this morning that they did need more bakers and my instructions for participating. I am nervous in a good way. This feels different than baking for friends (a more known audience). I want whoever purchases something I make to fully enjoy it.

This made me highly productive because now I have exciting plans that will consume most of Friday. I had a ton of reading to do today so I ended up standing at my ironing board for awhile when my rear was done with sitting.

You can tell Nim has had enough of my working. But I am on a tight schedule now.

I did another tiny batch today of the Mini Chocolate-chip Love Bites. This time I used the appropriate freeze-dried raspberries (big difference and definitely an improvement) and did half the batch with the recommended sugar for taste comparison.

The cookie front and left has no sugar and no chocolate - that one was for Nim (he loved it and his eyes were all huge when I broke it up for him).

I worked on labels today for my three planned dessert submissions which naturally included a tiny picture of Nim. I do see some bake sale submission that are definitely semi-professional bakers. Now I am not one, but that didn't stop me from saying they were from Nim's Kitchen. :)

Don't forget to check the Worldwide Vegan Bake Sale site for a bake sale in your area.


  1. gah i love dobermans! i want one so badly! my boyfriends parents have two and they are the biggest I have ever seen. The one is about 100lbs.. so so so awesome

  2. Good morning Meg. They have been a fun breed to own for sure. Thankfully none of mine have tipped that big! :)
